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支招小作文(166) I 混合数据图 两个城市房价 & 租房、买房人数比例

November 30, 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 11/ 25] The charts below show the average housing prices in two cities in one country from 2010 to 2015 and the percentage of house owners and renters in 2010 and 2015. .


Body 1:柱状图

Body 2:两个饼状图


The bar chart compares two cities in terms of their average property prices, and the pie charts suggest changes in the figures for householders and tenants in 2010 and 2015.


It is clear thatfor both 2010 and 2015, houses in City A were more expensive than those in City B, and this pattern is projected to continue in 2025.We can also find thatthe majority of surveyed people did not have houses of their own both in 2010 and 2015.


- City A的房价始终>City B的房价

- house renters的比例始终>owners的比例

【Body 1】

From the bar chart, it is noticeable thaton average, people in City A had to pay $280,000 for a house in the initial year,and this figurewas slightly higher than the housing price in City B($270,000).Subsequently,there emerged a slight risein the former figure to approximately $330,000 in 2015,before risingdramatically to the highest point at $450,000 in 2025.Likewise,the following years is expected to witnessa marginal growth in the prices of real estate in City B by around $7000 in 2025.


- 2010年的平均房价:City A轻微>City B

- 接下来,City A:到2015轻微上升→到2025将会急剧上升

- City B:一直到2025将会轻微上升

【Body 2】

In terms of types of residents, we can see that70% of them rented a house in 2010,and 5 years later,this figureclimbedsignificantlyby 10%.Conversely, althoughthere were 30% of the surveyed people who owned a house in the beginning year,a remarkable drop could be foundin this figure to only 20% in 2015.


- 橙色 renter:2010年占比70%→2015年显著上升

- 蓝色house owner:2010年占比30%→2015年显著下降

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